An analog retro type tune in progress right now, as Analog Prophet. Won’t be too long before it will be released at Spotify and all common online platforms
Our own electronic music is called “Analog Prophet”. We have now released our 5th release (2 albums and 3 singles). This time an apocalyptic musical journey as described by the Prophet Ezekiel, chapter 40-48, painted with ambient electronic music and ethnic brush strokes.
Credits for additional species to the atmosphere of this album:
* Leumas Fyzz for boasting the beats a finalizing the mix, mastering.
* Juno Voya for ethnic vocals.
* “Sarah” for spoken (whispering) “mystical” words (well, its scriptures from the prophet Ezekiel) in persian.
SVT (Swedish National Public Television) broadcasted March 25th a documentary of the Swedish Grammy Awareded artist James Hollingworth where we participated as keyboard player.