Articles Written By: admin

Produce and mix of Eleonora Lahti’s upcoming album, January 2018

October-November we were in Williamsburg, PA, USA and wrote an album with Swedish artist Eleonora Lahti. The title of the album is “It Is Written”. This fall we produced and recorded it and now we are at Old Barn Drum Studio in Skåne (most south district of Sweden), Sweden and mix and master it with the studio owner Anders Köllerfors. Among the great equipment in the studio is a number of Tubetech devices that gives warmth and shimmer to the mixes.

Christmas Concert 2017: Performance and TV mix for God TV broadcast to 200 nations and territories

Sound and music edit and mix of the Christmas Concert “Light Of The World” at Södermalmskyrkan (also participated in the band band) – 120 audio tracks. Will be global broadcasted at God TV Christmas Eve to 200 nations and territories with 500 million potentiell viewers. Merry Christmas!

Recording with Hungarian Saxophone Player Peter Norbert in Solna

A few years ago we were in a studio in Budapest, Hungary and recorded an album. What we didnt knew back then was a wonderful saxophone player Peter Norbert. But this summer we saw him on TV and were impressed – not only technical but particular in the soul as the music touched the heart. We talked to one of our clients about to have him participate on an album we work with. Finally we met for a recording session in Tarzound Studio in Solna, Sweden and had a wonderful time together during some smooth recording sessions of two album.

Recording in Skåne, Sweden September 2017

We produce our 4th CD for Eleonora Lahti. This album is a result of songs we wrote together in Williansburg, VA (USA) October-November 2016. A team of 6 persons joined together outside Hörby, Sweden September 22-24th to record the foundations of the new CD at Old Barn Drum Studio. for a couple of days. The CD is scheduled to be release February 2018.



Concert with James Hollingworth September 2017

The City of Stockholm (Stockholms Stad) celebrated 80 years of Park Events For Children (Parkleken). The 2nd of September was a celebration at Rålambshovsparken Stockholm where grammy awarded artist James Hollingworth had a children outdoor concert where we supported with keyboards

Trainees from Högskolan i Dalarna For 10 Weeks During Springtime 2017


We recieved two trainees of “Ljud och Musikproduktionsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Dalarna” (The Sound and Music Production Program at a Swedish University). Samuel Frisk and Ida Benjaminsdotter finalized their 3rd and last year of their studies in our studio by participating for 10 weeks in different productions of radio, TV and musicproductions. They were not only trainees but also skillful resource with many new and creative inputs to our productions.

Radio App “Välkommen Till Sverige” For Norea Sverige During Spring 2017


During springtime 2017 we recorded, edited, mixed and mastered an App for Norea Sverige (an international radio production organisation) with 20 programs in Farsi (Persian). We also made the music to the app. The name of the App is “Välkommen Till Sverige” (“Welcome To Sweden”) and is targeted people arriving from Iran to live in Sweden. The app/programs will be released during late summer or fall 2017.

Israel, TV recording in April 2017


April 2017 we were in Israel recording (audio) 8 TV-programs for Keren Kajemat – an Israeli organisation planted every tree that grow in Israel (250 million),water, research and all the environment that needs to get the dessert to blossom. The programs will be broadcasted this fall.

Awarded in Kampala Uganda – CD release March 2017


In March it was time again to go to one of our favourite places on earth – Uganda. At a ceremony in Kampala we were honoured, as well as surprised, to receive a reward from Aflame Gospel Assembly as we have been a part of their music production team since 2013. As “Analog Prophet” (our artist name when making electronic ambient music with an ethnic vibe) we performed at the ceremony.

The main purpose for the trip was a CD release for a CD we produced with our friends in Kampala: See His Glory. The vocals were recorded in a hotel room, transformed to a studio with mattresses and recording equipment. Eventually we worked with the music arrangements, mixing and mastering in Sweden before we now went back to Kampala for the CD release.


TV Recordings Gothenburg, Sweden in February 2017


A serie of 4 TV-programs was recorded at The House Sweden in Gothenburg that will be broadcasted in May. We were recording the sound of the production.

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