September 2022 we recorded and edited video and audio for the documentary program Korsvandrarna for Walk For Europe
September 2022 we recorded Håkan Sunnliden’s book “Roten som bär dig” published at Semnos Förlag.
Teater Aros, operated by CHR Consulting, recorded the movie “Ansökan” were we captured the audio, august 2022
We recorded the audio book “Mod att resa sig” and video by Ruth Nordström, Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers and Elise Lindqvist, the Angel at Malmskillnadsgatan during August 2022, published at Libris Förlag.
We run recorded the sound, narration and made the Audio mix for TV commersials for Danske Bank (Bank of Denmark) that will be broadcasted at TV4 etc in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Chief attorney and CEO of The Human Right Lawyers Ruth Nordström has written Till de utsattas försvar. We recorded it and it will be published at Libris Förlag