Stockholm is cold during winter time, many homeless freezing. S:ta Clara Church at downtown Stockholm helping many people and made a Christmas program together with the TV-channel TBN Nordic to collect money to help the homeless with food and somewhere to sleep. All participants and TV crew helped for free so that the collected resources goes to the people who need it most.
The Facebook children music/adventure channel Ankhoven will be TV this winter. Right now writing screen play, making music tracks and planning. Here practice a song with help of the composer himself; James Hollingworth (will not participate in the TV series but wrote some songs that will be sung).
We were honoured to be participate at the big Christmas concert at Wao Church as musician even this year.
Recording/live audio for for video at Engelen – a legendary pub/music scene in Stockholm
Recording/live audio for for video at Knivsta Station – an old station building converted to a membership pub.
Recorded and mixed the children program series Pete and Penelope for TBN Nordic during autumn 2021. We also composed the TBN Kids audio logo.
Ruth Nordström, founder and CEO of Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers had a book release: “Till de utsattas försvar”(“To the defense of the vulnerable”). It contained a panel discussion with two journalists from Svenska Dagbladet, Elise Lindqvist (Ängeln från Malmskillnadsgatan) and Mats Nyholm. We run the sound as well as the streaming (audio and video).
The organisation Vägen (The Way) founded by Carl-Erik Sahlberg had a seminar. Bishop Johan Dahlman was one of the guest participated. We run the sound of the house and for streaming
We recorded and mixed 8 programs with summer devotionals from the island Lindholmen for S:ta Clara Kyrka, Stockholm during the summer 2021.
We were honoured to record the Israeli Ambassador Ilan Ben Dov at the embassy in Stockholm for International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.