During the year we worked with Radio Rörstrand and during November and December the recordings were made in our studio.
At mid December 2019 it was three previews, one at a Cinema and two at S:ta Clara Kyrka in Stockholm, of the (almost finalized movie Barfotarop. We have composed, recorded and mixed the music as well as made the sound design.
Together with flutist Stina Brockmann we made an ambient Easter CD Singel in March:
We’re working with the Swedish movie Barfota Rop as composer and from now as well as sound designer and sound mix. It’s a historic document of Sweden in the mid 1800. The movie will be released at fall 2019.Here is the movie trailer.
March 3-10 we were at the Atlantic island Tenerife, Spain with Swedish Grammy Award artist James Hollingworth. We wrote songs, performed in Puerto De La Cruz at the Scandinavian Turist Church and at the Scandinavian club. We also worked in a studio in a studio In Victoria with the composer and musician Christer Skoglund.
November 2028 we recorded for Lena Andersson Hubbard, a former ABBA tour singer and top chart singer in Sweden, now resident in Phoenix, Arizona. As Lena was in another region of Sweden, her producer (as well as husband) home in Phoenix, AZ and the back vocal singer Oscar Lindvall at our studio in Stockholm, Sweden we worked it out together in resl in real time with help of Internet… and it turned out well.