Category: Recordings

Israel News with the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem and Gitten Öholm – From March 2021

Click on the picture for the video trailer

We’re producing a series of program for the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem; Israel News, with Gitten Öholm. The programs are published every week as podcast (Radio Hope), radio (Radio Hope and the Swedish Christian Radio Network KRN), social media (the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem) and TV (Kanal10).

A Passion Trilogy (Video Digital Exhibition with Linda Nordfors): Mix – Feb rural 2021

A Passion Trilogy is a a part of a video digital exhibition with video artist / singer Linda Nordfors. Music by Simon Bolin. Mix by us and finalisation and mastering by Samuel Frisk. Click on the clips above to listen.

St.a Clara Kyrka, Stockholm – On regular basis 2020-2021

On regular basis we are a part of the Media Crew of S:ta Clara Kyrka (Saint Clare Church) in Stockholm where we run the sound for the video recordings. Most sermons are live mixed but some includes post production. Above is one example of a service where we run the sound.

Alfred Nygrén with Sebastian Stakset and Heart of Evangelism – January 2021

Now and then we help out Sebastian Stakset and Heart of Evangelism with sound, mainly music, for his Youtube channel. This time we recorded and mixed Alfred Nygrén, Stockholm and some other friends to Sebastian.

Swedish Parliament – October 2020

We helped out with the sound of an video recording of a speech to 70 nations by the Swedish parliament member Roland Utbult, October 2020

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers Podcast – October 2020

We’re contunue recording (Uppsala, Sweden) and editing (Stockholm, Sweden) the Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers’ podcast.

Kanal10 and Radio10 – September 2020 onwards

One of our weekly costumers is the radio channel Radio10 at Älmhult, Sweden that we are running. Normally we work from Stockholm via Internet but some times we visit the head quarter of the media group at Älmhult, both Sweden. At September we were also participating as guest at Kanal10, the main activity of the media group.

Summer programs from the island Lindholmen – August 2020

In August 2020 we recorded 4 summer programs from the island Lindholmen, close to Stockholm at lake Mälaren for S.ta Clara Kyrka (church) in Stockholm. The programs were very popular at social media platforms

TV Vision Sverige / TV Vision Norge – July 2020

After been music guest one week at the Swedish and Norwegian TV channels TV Vision Sverige and TV Vision Norge we were working some days in the same studio, but this time behind the audio mix console for some live broadcast nights

Sebastian Stakset with guests, Klädesholmen – June 2020

Sebastian Stakset recorded a series of programs with guest artists and speakers at the lovely archipelago of Gothenburg, Sweden and the island Klädesholmen. Among the guests were Ulf Christiansson (the rock group Jerusalem) and Hans Weichbrodt. We were running the sound for the video recordings.

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Sound Of Music

Sound Of Music Stockholm HB is a music production company, established 1994 by Torbjörn "Toby" Frisk. We have a production studio located in the heart of Stockholm from where we work as well as with field recordings.

We work with music productions, TV productions (audio, music), streaming, radio productions, audio books, podcasts and all kind of media productions as well as education in the area of music and audio. We enjoy working with smaller private demo projects as much as larger commercial productions - a good work is about good relations with people.

Fair game is our business, you can trust us.

Torbjörn “Toby” Frisk

Analog Prophet

Our electronic ambient music with touch of ethnic vibes, music to relax to.


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